Friday, October 1, 2021

Simchas Torah & Mitzvot

Dear Parents,

Hashem wants us to be happy so he gave us one more holiday!
This holiday is all about our special Torah. The holiday is called Simchas Torah.
It means Happiness of the Torah. We are so happy we have the Torah.
On this holiday we dance and celebrate together.

Each day, during davening time, we talk about mitzvot and how our Torah is full of mitzvos. Then Morah reads our friends' mitzvah notes, and we celebrate them because we are so proud of them!

On Monday our friends created their own flags, and we took a walk to the big shul to see where we keep our Torahs full of mitzvot.

Our friends were so excited to see the Torahs, and we sang Torah songs, jumped so high and waved our flags .

Shabbat Shalom 
Morah Ora, Morah Rivky, & Morah Chaya

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