Friday, October 22, 2021

Parsha Vayera and Baby Dolls .

Dear Families,

This week we incorporated activities based on the parsha, Parshas Vayera in our classroom. In this week's parsha, we learn about Avraham inviting guests to his house.
Morah Ora brought  more stuffed toys and dolls into the classroom for our friends to enjoy. We decided to invite them to our circle time so that we could daven and dance with them. Our friends enjoyed this work a great deal.

Baby Doll Circle Time provides the opportunity for young children to experience being the nurturer by interacting with their baby dolls (stuff toys) in the same ways that we, as caring adults, might interact with them.

Another fun activity we did from this week was inspired by the part of the parsha where Avraham helped his guests by washing their feet. We set up two bins outside: one with bumpy rocks and one with water. First our friends went through rocks to feel how bumpy it was and then through the water. After that they wiped their feet with a towel. Most of our friends didn’t like to go through the rocks but they loved to go through and jump in the water. 

The Purple Room invited us to be guests in their classroom where we had the opportunity to practice being good guests while watching them be gracious hosts! They prepared food for us, then we sat together and ate. We love interacting with our friends in other classes.

Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Ora, Morah Rivky, & Morah Chaya

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