Friday, October 15, 2021

All About Me and My Feelings

Dear Families-
This week we are continuing our “All about Me“ unit.

Thank you for sending your child's favorite book to share with our class. Our friends were so happy to see their books and share them with each other.

Leif’s book: Kindness Makes Us Strong by Sophie Beer 
As the Morahs  read the book, we spoke about how nice it is to be kind!
Audrey's book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear ,What Do You See? by Mill Martin and Eric Carl 
As we read this book, we asked our friends what sound each animal makes and we repeated colors after Morah.
Asher's book: I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti Shustak.
We spoke about how, no matter what, we all love each other! 
Next week we will continue sharing the rest of our friends' books.
Inspired by the book My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss, our friends created portraits of themselves with colors based on how they were feeling. We talked about how we can feel many different feelings at many different times, and they are all okay to have because they are a part of us. 

Morah provide our friends with paint brushes and different colors of paint.
Our friends began painting with paint brushes, then they decided to use there hands to feel the colors.

Morahs even heard some friends saying, "It's cold!"

After that, our friends mixed all the colors, and we saw their work become different shades and colors.
Morah's job is to provide our little ones with the materials they need so that our friends can use their imagination and creativity. It's amazing to observe each of them to see how we all so different.

Shabbat Shalom 
Morah Ora, Morah Rivky, & Morah Chaya


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