Friday, October 8, 2021

All About Me

Dear Parents,
We would like to welcome Leeann to our classroom! She is a joy to have with us!
All About Me
This week, in the Peach Room, we learned all about ourselves. Each friend had the opportunity to look in to the mirror and look at themselves. We talked about what color everyone's eyes are and we pointed to our nose, ears, and mouth. We counted our fingers and toes. We used paint stamps to stamp our hands and feet on the paper to see the size of our friends' hands and feet.

Self Portrait 
This week our friends made their first self portrait . Mirrors, black and white photos of each child, and paint pallets were set up for everyone to explore.
Audrey  pointed to her eyes and began painting  them first.
Leeann  enjoyed mixing all the colors and had a big smile on her face.
Liran  looked at the self portrait picture and said “It's me!"
Aria enjoyed looking at herself in the mirror.
Kai looked at the mirror and smiled.
Leif pointed to his nose and looked at his morahs with a big smile on his face.

Friendship Tree
We made a Friendship Tree for our classroom! I explained that everyone in our class is best friends, and even when we do things that upset each other or hurt each other’s feelings, we should always remember that we are friends, so we should use kind words and apologize when we do something wrong. Then I told everyone that we would be making a friendship tree to hang in our room and remind each other that no matter what, we were all friends.

Morah started by drawing the outline of the tree on a poster board. I used the brown marker for this, then colored in the trunk with the brown paint  so that the outline would stand out better. Once that was finished, Morah provided each child with yellow, green and red paint. Our friends dipped their hands into the paint and stamped them on the poster board. Each leaf (hand print) looks so different like everyone in our classroom family.
Sharing from Home
For the next couple weeks we will be covering "All About Me." If it’s possible, we would love if each friend can bring their favorite book from home to share with the class . Thank you!

Shabbat Shalom
Morah Ora, Morah Rivky, & Morah Chaya.

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