Friday, January 27, 2017

Exploring Our Bodies!

   This week our friends had a lot of fun exploring our bodies. Our Morah's traced our bodies and we colored them in.  We traced our toes and fingers in clay. It was so interesting and fun pushing our toes/hand into clay and watching it mold around ourselves. Geffen loved it so much and wanted to mold both his hands and feet!

   This week at Music & Movement, Mr Sam had a very fun game for us! We danced all around while he was banging a beat on his drum, and then when he stopped, one friend would choose a funny pose from his book and we would try our best to mimic the stance. Mina especially loved this activity and would giggle every time she fell trying to balance.

   In last weeks Parsha (Torah weekly portion) we learnt that Moshe (Moses) was born and went to Paroah (Pharoah) and told him to let the Jews out of slavery in Egypt. When Paroah refused, Moshe warned him that all of Egypt would be punished till he free's them. In this week's Parsha we learn about the first 7 of the 10 plagues. Our friends had a lot of fun coloring and stamp painting little pictures of the plagues for us to take home with us as a little art 'n crafts booklet next weekend. We also learnt a new song on the Parsha that Yochai and Zoe really enjoyed singing along too.

   We are proud to say that Tot Shabbat is back on and our friends could not be more happy and enthusiastic about it! =D

    We cannot wait to see all of our friends and their parents at the CJP Shabbat dinner this Friday night! :) It is gonna be so much fun!

   See you all then!

   Morah Ora, Morah Pearly, Mina, Yochai, Geffen, & Zoe.

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