Friday, January 20, 2017

Preparing for Shabbos!

Shabbos is coming, we're so happy. We're gonna scream and shout out loud! :D We are so excited for all the Shabbos activities and events that are coming up that we simply cannot stop singing Shabbos songs! This week, we baked yummy yummy cookies for the shabbos sale on Friday. We had so much fun mixing all the ingredients together. All of our friends helped pour all the ingredients in like pros, and then we all mixed it together!

   This week our friends had so much playing in our classroom kitchen! Geffen loves to pretend that he is peeling and cutting up vegetables, Zoe loves to pretend that she is washing the dishes, Yochai loves putting food in the pots and then putting it on the stove top, and Mina loves to take out the Shabbos Candles, wave her arms around them, cover her eyes, and pretend that she is bringing in Shabbos. :)

   Every week during Davening (morning prayer) our friends have so much fun singing and dancing and learning about the Parsha (Torah Portion), but this week was ESPECIALLY fun. We learned this week that Moshe Rabeinu (Moses) was born and told Paroah (Pharoah) to let the Jews go, but Paroah said "No, no, no. I will not let them go!". On Facebook we posted an adorable video of Mina repeating after Morah Pearly that Moshe was born in this weeks Parsha. Our friends love Davening so much. Mina and Zoe love the song "Thank You Hashem for giving me my..." and always shout out what they are thankful for (ie. Mommy & Tatty/ Mama & Papa). Geffen and Yochai love the Tzedakka (Charity) song, and always sing along with their Morah's, and all of our friends love the Torah song, and dance and hug their Torahs lovingly. :)

   Our friends also know most of the songs by themselves now, along with the motions. When we sing "The good morning train is coming how are you? Choo Choo!", all of our friends do the arm motion of a conductor pulling the train horn. It is very cute. Also, every day when we say Shema, Zoe covers her eyes, and when we sing "I open one eye, I open two..." Mina always covers her eyes, and then uncovers them to the words of the song. :) This week we also started sitting on circle "spot" mats during Davening time. Our friends learned that when we say "Sit down. Criss cross apple sauce", they quickly plop down on their mat and cross their ankles over each other. Try it at home and you will see! :)

   This week we had a lot of fun playing with markers and crayons and play dough. On Wednesday we had so much fun creating our very OWN silly putty from warm water, salt, glue, and a tiny drop of coloring. It is a very fun activity to do at home and our friends had so much fun seeing what they created by themselves and then being able to play with it.

   And of course, we had our new Music and Movement class this week again. This week we sang so many fun songs with Mr Sam, and Mr Sam took out his big snake blanket and we had fun covering our bodies with it while singing the snake song.

   This week, as every other week, was so much fun and am looking forward to next week when we can have so much more fun with our friends again.

    Morah Ora
   Morah Pearly

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