Friday, February 3, 2017

Fruits & Vegetables

   Hello everybody!

   This week in the Peach room we were very busy! We learned all about fruits and vegetables in honor of Tu B'Shvat which is coming up next week.  On Monday we had a very fun activity; Morah Ora put out different spices and glue and the children painted them on to the paper, the paper smelled so good when we were done!

   Tuesday was a lot of fun. The Morah's put out a tree provocation with clay and branches. Our friends formed the clay and branches and formed their own beautiful original trees

 On Wednesday we found the block center with pictures of fruits and vegetables on them!  Now we can sort which fruits and vegetables come from trees and which come from the ground.  Geffen especially had so much fun with this activity, stacking the blocks on top of each other when our friends named each food. Mina and Zoe were so good at knowing the different names of the fruits and vegetables, and Yochai enthusiastically said "Amen!" every time one of the Morah's explained which Brocha goes to that fruit/vegetable.

   On Wednesday our friends also had Music and Movement Class with Mr Sam and the Blue Room. Our friends had so much fun, but unfortunately this was our last class with Mr Sam. We cannot wait for Jump Bunch next week!  And last but not least, our friends baked a delicious cake for Zoe's birthday.

   With Thursday came ZOE'S 2ND BIRTHDAY!! The first ever birthday party that we threw in the Peach Room. We had a fancy pink table cloth and plates. We had a lot of fun music that we danced to, with glow in the dark sticks. We also had a mini disco ball that shined so many different colors on the wall to make the party even more fun. Zoe's Mama and older sister, Hannah, came and enjoyed the party with us. The cake that all of our friends baked was absolutely delicious! And of course we cannot forget that in honor of Zoe's birthday, the Peach Room got a new beautiful book in the library.

   Then comes Friday. With the end of the week we made yummy Matzah for this week's Parsha. In this weeks Torah Portion we learn that after the last 3 plagues (a total of 10), the Jews were FINALLY freed from Egypt. Because the Jews packed and rushed out of Egypt so quickly, the dough did not have time to rise and baked on the back of the people who were carrying it. Hence, the dough turned into Matzah. So too, we are baking Matzah ourselves!

Our friends did a lot of exploring outside this week. The Morah's put silver foil on the gate, and all of our friends from CJP painted it with their hands and/or with paint brushes.  We also painted with a plunger and made lots of circles with it (see Facebook for pictures!).

Looking forward to another wonderful week with your children.

   Shabbat Shalom!

Morah Orah and Morah Pearly

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