Thursday, January 12, 2017

Our Very Own Shabbat Box!

   This week in the Peach Room we had a lot of fun. We started to get ready for our CJP Family Shabbat Dinner. When our fathers and mothers come with us to the fun Friday Night Shabbat Dinner, we will have a whole bunch of beautiful Shabbat arts & crafts to take home with us. We are going to be creating our very own unique Shabbat Challah cover, Kiddush cup, Candles, and a self decorated Shabbat box to bring it all home in.

   On Monday and Tuesday we started decorating our Shabbat boxes. We covered them in paper and glued different designs and items on the box to make it our own unique craft. We also played outside with our friends from the older classrooms and had so much fun. Yochai is really enjoying looking at all the different plants. Mina loves playing with her bigger friends, Zoe really enjoys riding on the different bikes we have, and Geffen enjoys to run all around and play with everything and everybody.

   Now on Wednesdays we have a fun new music and movement class, given by Mr Sam!  He had many different puppets that he introduced to us, and our friends had so much fun talking to them, but specifically Yochai and Zoe. We played a fun game that helped us learn the first 7 letters to the ABC's. Mina especially enjoyed singing along to the ABC song, with Mr Sam. We enjoyed ourselves so much and we are looking forward to the following weeks where we will have this new music and movement class more. On Wednesday we also started decorating our Challah Cover. We used paint in squeeze bottles and squirted different colors all over our cloths. Each one of our friends chose a different pattern of colors and designed their Challah cover to their own unique taste.

   Thursday we created our candles! We took chalk and colored sand with it. Geffen had so much fun at this new activity! Then we took our colored sand and poured it through a funnel into candle holders to decorate them, and then covered the top with glue, as our own individual unique craft. It was a lot of fun working on our fine motor skills, holding the chalk and raking it back and forth over the sand. Another awesome activity we did on Thursday that helped us excel in our fine motor skills was we took toy nails (golf tees), and with toy hammers we banged them into our toy cardboard boxes.

   Friday was a very special day. We had Tot Shabbat with Morah Masha! :) We had fun singing Shabbat songs, making Challah, and drinking grape juice! The second special thing that we did on Friday was that the Green Room (3 year olds) invited us to their classroom for lunch, to enjoy the pasta that they cooked, with them!

   Looking forward to all the fun and exploring that we will have in the Peach room next week!

  Morah Ora
Morah Pearly

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