Friday, January 6, 2017

Back To School =)

   Hey everybody! We are super excited to be back at school with all of our amazing little friends! :)

   This week in the Peach room we had a lot of fun. On Monday we welcomed all of our friends back to school with a big hug and smile. We played with play dough, markers, and puzzles, and rehearsed all of our shapes, colors, and numbers. We also had a lot of fun outside in the backyard. Mina and Zoe went excitedly to the bikes and Geffen quickly made his way to the tree stumps, where he loves climbing.

   On Tuesday our friends wanted Morah Pearly to read them a lot of different books. Mina loved the Dr Seuss "Fish" book, Zoe loved the "Mitzvah Hands" book, and Geffen could not get enough of the book, "Aleph Bais Trip on the Aleph Bais Ship". We also colored a lot of beautiful art, which Mina enjoyed, and did not want to put down her markers. This week we also started a new fun game where at snack and lunch time, our friends have to find their seat with the Aleph Bet (Hebrew ABC's) letter that their name starts with. Once they find it, they sit in their seat and eat their yummy food. Our friends are becoming better and better each day at recognizing their own Aleph Bet letter all on their own!

   Wednesday was such a cool day because we made snow!! With some hair conditioner and baking soda, we created Snow in Central Arizona! We shared our snow with our friends outside and we all had so much fun playing with it and developing our fine motor skills by forming them into snowballs! :) On Wednesday Morah Ora moved some furniture around and we got a cool new kitchen for our friends to play in. All of our friends love it. Yochai loves setting up and putting the food and candle sticks on the table, Mina enjoys to pretend wash the dishes, and Geffen loves putting food into the pots and pans and putting it on our oven.
   Thursday was a fun day because we planted our new plants!! Our Morah's put soil into the sensory table and with shovels and a rakes we planted the seeds for our beautiful new garden. Our friends really enjoyed putting soil all around our plants and digging.

    In this week's Parsha we learnt that Yaakov (Jacob) finds out that his son Yoseph (Joseph) was alive and he comes down to Mitzrayim (Egypt) and lives there with his entire family (Over 70 people). We learned a song for this weeks Parsha. It will be in your child backpack. They would really like it if you sing it with them over the weekend.

   Then comes Friday. On Friday we welcomed Yochai back to school. We missed him so much. In the morning we had a special sing along party with Morah Masha and the blue room. Zoe and Mina really enjoyed singing along to the Shabbat songs.

   With every week comes new and amazing fun activities, and we cannot wait for next week to do more of them! :)

  <3 Morah Ora & Morah Pearly

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