Friday, January 8, 2021

Welcome back

Dear Parents!

Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed some time off with your families! Our peaches were so happy to be back together and we started off our week with lots of very sweet hugs hello! 

After being away for just couple of weeks our friends eased back into their school routine smoothly. We kept our focus on interactions and gentle reminders to help support them through this. Although we did not work on any big projects, there were many opportunities for exploration and experimentation through both fine and gross motor provocations. 

Our friends love to explore the playground and outdoors on their own. They're so independent! But Morahs are always next to them, keeping an eye on them and making sure we're all safe. Our friends enjoy playing in the sandbox and feeling the rough texture of the sand, climbing on the climbing structure, riding bikes, sliding on the slide, and balancing on the beam. All these activities are great at developing our gross motor skills. These skills help our friends to run, catch a ball, climb etc. We are loving our outdoor play! 
Check for the pictures on our cjp facebook group! 

Shabbot Shalom 
Morah Ora, Morah Chaya.

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