Friday, January 22, 2021

Tu B’Shvat

Dear parents!

A highlight of this week was that our friends began exploring Tu B'shvat (the new year for the trees) We started our week playing in the kitchen area  which we loved! In the the kitchen area we had pretend fruits and vegetables. Our friends used their sorting skills to sort the fruits from the vegetables. We spoke about which fruits grow from the ground, and then practiced saying the Brochos!

   We say the bracha Ha'adama for the fruits and vegetables that grow from the ground.
   We say the bracha Pri haetz for the fruits that grow on the trees.

In the sensory table this week  we had soil, seeds, beans and pots.  
We were practicing how to plant.
 As we did this we talked about all of the things that plants and trees need to grow healthy- soil, water and sunlight to make their own food.

Next week we are going to plant in our own pots to see how beans or seeds grow into something big.
We will be exploring more about  Tu B’shvat.

Shabbat Shalom! 
Morah Ora,Morah Chaya

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