Thursday, January 14, 2021

Fine Motor and Practical Life Skills

Dear Peach Room Parents, 

This week we were working on fine motor skills and manipulating different objects. We had a few stations for each friend to visit if they chose to go there. Avigail  matched colors in the peg holder, Daria and Ariel used their counting practice to place pegs in the wooden number boards, Ari and Oz used their hand-eye coordination to put different sized rings on a peg, and Mika  also used her fine motor skills to place corks inside a cut pool noodle! All of these objects and activities stimulating for our friends.

Our friends are so helpful when it comes to clean up time!

This week in the sensory table we had soapy water with sponges and we practiced important life skills by rubbing and cleaning dishes.

We also swept the dust around the class room and mopped the floors.
These teach important skills for self care and sufficiency, but also allows the kids to feel empowered as well as work on their socialization and reasoning skills.  

Shabbot Shalom
Morah Ora & Morah Chaya.

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