Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hello! We would like to welcome Yehonathan, a new boy that joined our classroom. We are so happy to have him join the CJP family!

     This week we began learning about Parsha Bereshis. We learned that Bereshis is the first word in the Torah and that in this Parsha Hashem created the beautiful world we live in. We made many projects to demonstrate what was created on each day of the week. 

     On day one Hashem created day and night. Our friends used white and black paint to make day and night. In the sensory bin we had black and white beans, as well as little suns, moons, and stars. Our friends enjoyed scooping beans with scoopers and speaking about how we sleep at night time and say Layla Tov to all our friends and family. When it’s light outside we see the sun and we say boker tov. We go to school and play!

     On the second day of creation Hashem created the sea and the sky. The sensory table was filled with blue water, soap (to make some waves), and gel. Our friends had so much fun using their hands to feel the little gel balls in the water. To explore the clouds in the sky morah prepared a fun activity for our friends. She put mirrors on the table with shaving cream and pretty blue stones. Our friends used their hands to create different types of clouds. 

     We also used blue paint and rolling paint brushes to create the sea with waves, and for the sky and clouds we used cotton balls and white paint. We repeated after Morah’s words and said “The sky is white and the sea is blue.” Next week we will continue learning and exploring the days of Hashem’s creation.

Shabbat shalom! - Morah Ora, Morah Goldie :)

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