Friday, October 26, 2018

Dear parents,
This week in the peach room we continued learning and exploring the days of creation. On day five Hashem created sea creatures and birds.

This week we had play-dough birds, butterflies and feathers on the table. Our friends used their imagination to explore different ways of playing with the tools. In the sensory bin we had fish with fishing nets, our friends pretended we were fishing.

On the sixth day Hashem created animals and people. Our friends played with farm and zoo animals as we made the sounds they make, moooo! Rawr! Hashem created such an amazing world! Blue skies, the sun and the moon, millions of twinkling stars, flowers and trees, oceans, sea animals, and of course people.

People can do so many amazing things! We can think, we can build, we can drive cars and fly airplanes. How could it be that people can do all these things? Because Hashem gives us so much strength to do so!

On the seventh day Hashem decided that Shabbat is going to be a day of rest. When Shabbat came everything stopped, and this completes the seven days of creation. With Shabbat the world was now complete.

Every Friday in CJP we get in the Shabbat spirit and we bake challah and sing Shabbat songs. We make special brochos and we have a Shabbat party!  We will continue learning about Shabbat in depth in January, culminating with our Family Shabbat Dinner. Next week we are going to learn about the Parsha of Noah and the animals.

Shabbat shalom! - Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

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