Friday, October 19, 2018

Dear parents,

Everyday our mornings begin with activities to help our friends practice their fine motor skills as well as hand coordination.

Madison, Ella, and Hailey like to practice their skills in the sensory boxes. They like to open and close them as well as drop the different materials inside. Angie likes to play with puzzles and is ready to use her skills to play with more complex puzzles. Yehonathan likes to count all the materials on the table, which he’s really good at!

In the peach room this week we are continuing to learn about the days of Hashem’s creation. On the third day Hashem created land, trees, and flowers. On Monday we had green play- dough and sticks on the table, all of our friends made pretty green trees!

On Tuesday we made a beautiful art project and we colored with green paint and sand. On Wednesday we made a nature collage on sticky contact paper with flowers, leaves, and sand. Morah is going to hang this beautiful work in the classroom! On Thursday our friends made sensory jars with the moon, sun, and stars.We practiced pouring water from a pitcher to a jar without spilling on the tray!

This week in the sensory bin we had different kinds of animals with sand and grass. We learned that Hashem created animals to live on the land.

Next week we will continue learning about the last few days of creation. 

Thank you!
Shabbat shalom - Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

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