Friday, October 5, 2018

Dear Parents,
Welcome back after the high holidays, we are happy to see each other and be back on our regular routine! 

Routines and Schedule
Our friends are growing up and developing new skills every day.  When we start to sing the clean up song our friends right away know to put the toys back where they belong.  Then we start to sign the choo choo train song and everyone know that they need to get their green circles and put them on the floor, sit down on them, and wait for Morah to start davening with them.  Our friends know that before we eat a snack or lunch we need to wash hands with soap.  When it's time to go outside our friends run to the door and knock on the door to make sure everyone in the hallway knows we are coming outside.  When they see their cots ready for them, they know it is time to nap and they get ready to rest.  Creating a predictable routine is so important for children and helps them know what to expect in their environment.  Feel free to look at our visual pictorial schedule that is hanging up outside of our classroom. 

We are very excited to welcome a  new friend to our class next week, Yehonathan!  Morah Goldie will also be joining the peach room as our second Morah.  We can't wait!

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Ora

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