Friday, December 2, 2016

Family Week

     Hi Everybody! This week was an amazing week! We did a lot of fun new things that our friends loved. On Monday we played with the toys in the classroom and had a lot of fun taking turns on the slide. Our friends also had a lot of fun with the baby dolls. Yochai in particular loved carrying them around and would put them in a shopping cart and push it all over the classroom.

     On Tuesday, because our friends were having so much fun with the babies, we decided to give the babies a bath in the sensory table. :) We got them all wet, soaped them up and rinsed them. Then we placed them on a towel and let them dry. Mina loved it so much that she wanted to clean all the babies herself!

  On Wednesday we learned all about the Parsha (Torah portion) and we learned that Yaakov (Jacob) made a lentil soup and shared it with his twin brother.  We brought Lentils to class and had a lot of fun playing with them. We did a lot of fine motor skills activities with them. We would pick them up, one by one, and put them in play pots, and then we would take spoons and scoop them out. Zoe filled her plate over flowing with lentils. :) And of course a Wednesday would not be complete without dance class! Our friends are becoming so good, soon they will be pros! :)

     This Thursday, our friends decided they wanted to play dress up. Yochai especially loved putting on hats and costumes! When we were playing outside our friends were running around having the time of their lives. Mina and Yochai loved sitting in the tires, Geffen loved climbing the tree stumps, and Zoe loved riding the bikes! This Thursday, because it is family week, we also took out all of our family pictures. We looked at everybody's families, and we all pointed to our mothers, fathers, siblings, and pets and named them all! :D (some videos were posted to the CJP facebook family group.)

     With Friday comes the end of the week, and we are sad it is over so soon. This week we baked Challah for Shabbos!! (egg free) Our friends made the dough so nicely! Mina helped with the Flour, Zoe the Sugar, Yochai the water, and Morah the oil and yeast! then we all rolled up our sleeves and and mixed mixed mixed the dough till it was nice and ready. Then we each rolled and shaped our own piece, put it in the oven, and "DING", ready to eat by our Shabbos table! =D

     Shabbat Shalom, All!!

   Morah Ora
 Morah Pearly

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