Friday, December 16, 2016

Dreidelach, Menorah's, Latke's, & More!

     Hey everybody! This week was so jampacked with fun activities and I cannot wait to tell you all about it. This week with Chanuka  just around the corner we are learning more and more and doing more fun activities to prepare us for this fun and awesome holiday!

     On Monday we rediscovered Chanuka in the sensory bin. The Morah's put some hair gel and chanuka items into a big plastic bag and we played with it in the sensory bin. The feel and texture was really cool. Then we designed little pictures of dreidels (hanging from the ceiling at the entrance of our classroom). Some we colored with markers. Others with paint. Some we decorated with stamps. It was a lot of fun.  Also, every day during davening, we take out our toy Dreidels and we play with them while singing Chanuka songs that our Morah's are teaching us!

     Tuesday was an amazing day. With our Morah's and friends, we took off our pants/skirts and socks/tights and painted a negative space Chanuka Dreidel with our little feet  (on the bulletin board)! It was so much fun. Our friends loved that instead of our hands we were painting with our feet. Mina enjoyed jumping up and down to show her footprints off and Geffen loved running around the poster to make sure his stamp was everywhere. :)

     With Wednesday came dance class and more fun! Morah Lisa played new music at dance class this week and our friends couldn't have been more thrilled. Zoe loved dancing with all of her friends. In outdoor play our friends are excelling more and more in their gross motor skills.They are pedaling the bikes all on their own! Mina especially loves the bikes. When ever we get outside, she makes a bee line to them.

     Thursday was a fun day. We broke out our family photos and had fun looking at it. Yochai in particular loves the photos. He loves pointing to his Abba and Mommy and excitedly shows us Cocoa (the dog) when he reaches his photo. Mina loves pointing out her Tatty, Geffen loves pointing to Baby Carmel and his dog, Miley, and Zoe loves showing us her older brothers! We all love our families so much!! On Thursday we also took out sponges in the shape of Chanuka items and used it to paint on a giant piece of paper, where Morah Ora then cut it out in the shape of a Menorah!

     On Thursday we also learnt about this weeks Parsha (Torah portion). We learnt that Yaakov and Eisav met up together and Yaakov gave him gifts, that Yaakov's name was changed to Israel, and that Binyomin, the 12th of the shivatim, was born! We played with our doll babies and pretended that it was Binyomin and we were taking care of him! :)

      Friday was the funnest day of all, because, in honor of Chanuka, we made LATKES a Chanukah delicacy!! Our friends were like professional chefs! They washed the potatoes, helped their Morah's peel and cut them, and with a little bit of this and a dash of that, we had our latke batter! While we were playing outside, Morah Pearly was in the kitchen frying them, and now we have yummy Latkes to eat at home with our family this weekend!

We hope you all have an amazing, fun, and restful weekend.
  Morah Ora
Morah Pearly

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