Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving Week

     This week we did so many arts & crafts for Thanksgiving and we had so much fun! We did a science experiment where we put salt and glue together on a canvas and then squirted water paint on it and watched it spread. Zoe especially had a fun time with this arts and crafts. She did not want to put he water colors down. :) We then made beautiful pictures out of nature, and also painted over bubble wrap, then rubbed it on paper, which gave the paper a cool design, then we stuck photos of ourselves onto it, and turned it into a little book. All of our awesome arts and crafts were featured at our amazing Thanksgiving Family Lunch on  Wednesday.

      This week in the sensory bin we had Tzeddaka (money for charity) again because our friends loved it so much last week. They share the Tzeddaka boxes (charity box) so well with their friends and we all gave Tzeddaka like the big girls and boys that we are!

     The weather was so beautiful this week that we spent a lot of time outside in the backyard. Every class brings out another activity for our friends to play with and this week the Peach Room brought out a table and squirted shaving cream all of over. Geffen and Mina had so much squishing and playing with it. :)

     And then of course there was our Thanksgiving Family Lunch on Wednesday. Our friends made the delicious lemonade! We all had fun squirting and squeezing the lemons to make fresh squeezed lemonade! Yochai couldn't get enough of our squeezer. He would squeeze the lemon like a pro.

     Looking forward to seeing our friends next week.

     Hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving, and Shabbat Shalom!

                Morah Ora
                Morah Pearly


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