Thursday, December 8, 2016

Chanuka Oh Chanuka Come Light The Menorah!

    Hello Moms and Dads, Abbas and Immas. Mommys and Tattys. This week with Chanuka approaching we started exploring Chanuka games and activites. We made a cave where we davened a few times and played dreidel, since during the times of Chanuka, the Jews had to hide in order to learn Torah and Daven. Our little friends loved it so much! We played a game where Morah Pearly would close her eyes and our friends would hug and kiss our Torah's, and then when she opened her eyes they had to quickly hide it and take out their dreidels and play. :) We all had a lot of fun with it.

    This week we also colored pictures of dreidels so nicely. We have a bunch of little artists in our class. Mina especially loved this activity. She loved taking many different colored markers and making her dreidel picture so beautifully colorful. :) An activity that got Geffen very excited every day was our small wooden menorah. We worked with our fine motor skills with this one. We had colorful wax candles that Geffen would expertly place into the Menorah candle holders.

    This week during Dance class we had so much fun. We had so much fun with the wind that Morah Lisa makes when she plops the big blue mat on the floor. Then all our friends in the Peach and Blue room went on top of the map and started dancing to the music. Zoe loved the feathers that Morah Lisa handed out this week. She loved the softness of it and waved it in the air when the music was turned on.

    In outdoor play our friends are having more fun than ever. Geffen is still loving the tree stumps, where we know we can find him climbing from one to the next. Mina loves playing with her friends in the sensory table that we bring outside, which every day contains another fun activity. One day it was lentils another day we had potatoes in water, so we can wash them for Latkes (Chanuka delicacy). Yochai is taking a real liking to the bikes. He is working his legs so well and pushing himself around the backyard, on his own! :) And Zoe really loves walking around, joining in with different activities that her CJP friends are engaged in. :)

    While we were outside we did a fun Parsha activity. We learned in this weeks Parsha that when Yaakov (Jacob) went to go sleep on top of a holy mountain, he put rocks all around him to keep himself safe. However, because he was such a holy man the rocks all wanted to be placed under his head to keep him comfortable, so Gd did a miracle and they morphed into one big rock under his head. While we were outside we placed rocks all around us as well. :)

    This week we made Challah again! We have so much fun kneeding the Challah to make it just right, and then rolling the Challah into our own individual unique shapes, to cook and eat for Dinner or Lunch on Shabbos! :)

    Have a great week everybody!

Morah Orah
Morah Pearly

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