Friday, November 11, 2016

Transportation Week

    Hello Moms & Dads!

    This week in the Peach Room we learned all about traffic lights and transportation. Our friends had a  lot of fun with all of our awesome games. We took toy cars and drove them through paint, we did arts in crafts with small colored paper,  and we played with toy cars on our city carpet. Our friends learned the colors yellow, red, and green, and what we do when we see those colors.

    The weather this week was beautiful so we spent a lot of time outside where our friends had fun climbing, playing with bikes and pushing them down the hill, and playing with pots and pans :) Morah Ora also broke out the bubbles which all of our friends loved. Zoe would chase them till they were all popped!

    This week during dance our friends has a blast. Geffen loved crawling through the make shift doggy house and Yochai loved rolling on the mat! We all had fun dancing to the music, where Mina kept making her request for "Hashem Melech". :D They will showcase their talent at our Thanksgiving Feast!

    Our friends continue to impress us with how much they are learning every day. Each day is a new adventure with our little friends, that we cannot wait to experience.

    Shabbat Shalom everybody! Till next week! :)

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