Friday, November 4, 2016

Noahs Ark & Animal Exploration

   Hello Mom's and Dads,

   This week was so much fun, jam packed with so many amazing and fun activities. On Monday, Morah Ora made a make-shift Ark out of cardboard boxes, to teach us all about Parsha's Noach, and our friends loved going and sitting inside.

 Every morning Geffen would run to get the little step stools, put it inside the Ark, and sit on it and play. We also read a lot of animal books to help our friends better understand all the animals that were on the Ark with Noach. Then on Wednesday and Thursday we decorated our Ark :) we put our hands inside paint and we finger painted all around the Ark. We cut out pictures of animals, explained what each animals was to our friends, and stuck them on the Ark as well.

   We are so happy to say that now that all the holidays are over we resumed dance class and our friends, of course, love it! This week was Zoe's first week at dance class. Zoe loved shaking the glittery pompoms that Morah Lisa (the dance instructor) gave out.
   On Friday we had fun playing with our friends, Yochai loved dot painting, and davening outside with all of our friends from CJP! It was so beautiful hearing all of our friends singing together the davening prayers :)

 The highligh of our week was Tuesday: ZOO DAY!! We had so much fun at the zoo, it was hard to contain all of our excitement. There were baby chicks, chickens, roosters, an alpaca, goats, kids (baby goats), and most excitingly, a pony! At first our friends  were a little hesitant and wary of the animals but  they  all quickly warmed up. Mina was very brave and rode the pony all around the backyard! It was so exciting to watch.

   Our friends are growing up and developing so quickly its amazing. When we start singing the clean up song our friends right away start cleaning up the toys they were playing with. When we start to make train and "Choo Choo" noises, they know to quickly go to the library because it is davening time and the good morning train is coming. They know that when it is snack or lunch time we first wash our hands and when we are done eating, we clean up our food before leaving the table. And the moment the lights get dimmed, our friends right away go straight to their cots and get settled in for nap time. All of these things our friends do all on their own with minimal help from their Morah's. We couldn't be prouder of our friends! :)

   Shabbat Shalom everybody!

               <3  Morah Ora and Morah Pearly!

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