Friday, October 21, 2016


    The month of Tishrei is coming and going so fast I can hardly keep up. Last week with Yom Kippur over  and Sukkot appearing right around the corner, we had a lot of fun helping to decorate the Sukka that the Rabbi & East Valley Mens Club built.

Now, with Sukkot half way through, and Simchat Torah coming up the activities and arts 'n crafts are only becoming more exciting and fun! On Wednesday and Thursday we created flags out of popsicle sticks to wave around in Shul on Simchat Torah, and on Friday we danced with and made our own Torahs! EXCITING!!

   We cannot wait till after the holidays when we can all have fun with our friends again, all week long! =)

    Love Morah Ora & Morah Pearly





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