Friday, February 12, 2021


Dear Parents!

What a fun week we had!

We began our exploration of Purim this week. We began by introducing the main characters of the Megillah: King Achashverosh, Queen Vashti, Haman, Queen Esther and Mordechai through finger puppets, dancing and storybooks. 

Sensory table.
Our friends explored rice, lentils and beans in our sensory table this week. Using funnels and bottles, they each created a gragger or noisemaker. They added some liquid water colors to the rice and some play rocks.We practiced shaking our graggers to make noise whenever they hear the name Haman and we said be nice Hamman!
Manipulative play 
 Morah hided wooden small  purim characters in the munipulativ boxes .
Each friend opened the box to find a purim character and named it .
We also glued   pomp pumps to decorate our crowns to be like 
King Achashverosh. 

During davening, we give tzedakah, but this week we talked about how this is one of the four mitzvos of Purim. We touched on the other three mitzvos: hearing the Megillah, sending food gifts to friends and hosting a festive meal. We will continue to explore more about Purim in the next couple of weeks.

Shabbot shallom 
Morah Ora,Morah Chaya.

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