Friday, February 26, 2021

Purim Celebration

Dear Parents,

This week was filled with fun Purim activities.

Throughout this week we have been dancing and singing to Purim songs.

We had a blast doing Spirit Week for Purim.

On Monday our friends came in crazy socks. 

Each friend showed off their socks and had a big laugh.

On Tuesday our friends had Crazy Hair Day.

Some friends had so many pony tail that we counted to see who had the most!

On Wednesday we had Fancy Day, and all our friends looked so beautiful.
On Thursday our friends filled the box (mishloach manot) with lots of yummy things to exchange with each other, as we learned that it is an important mitzvah of Purim .

We wrapped up our Purim Spirit Week with Purim costumes and a Purim celebration!

We had a blast bouncing on our bounce house, doing face painting and lots of different games.

Thank you for helping your kids participate through this amazing week of spirit and sending mishloach manot baskets to us. We are so grateful for your involvement and generosity!

Its a pleasure to be your children's morahs.

Happy Purim and Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Ora, and Morah Chaya. 

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