Friday, February 19, 2021

Purim week 2

Dear Parents,
In the Peach Room we completed our second week of our Purim theme.


In dramatic play, Morah Ora created a castle and our friends painted walls of the castle with different colors and glitter.


In our sensory table this week we had loose parts and gift bags. Since last week we have been talking about the four mitzvos of Purim.  Last week we gave extra Tzedakah. This week we have been talking about the mitzvah of Shalach Manos, giving a gift basket to a friend.  Our friends filled the bags with a variety of loose parts, and they choose who they want to give them to. 


We learned a new song about Purim:

When we hear the name of Esther,

we clap our hands.
When we hear the name of Mordechai,

we say Hooray!!
When we hear the name of King Achashverosh

we turn around.
When we hear the name of Vashti

we wiggle.
When we hear the name of Haman

we stomp our feet.


We cannot wait for more Purim fun and celebration next week.


Shabbat Shalom 

Morah Ora & Morah Chaya.

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