Friday, September 27, 2019

Dear parents!

This week we opened our peach room and we are so happy to have a new beginning in the peach room before Rosh Hashana!

Our friends were so excited to explore all of the centers in the classroom: the sensory bin, kitchen, library, slide and much more.
Learning where all of the materials go, where each center is, and making sure everyone feels loved and safe are our main goals for the next couple of weeks.

This week we have been joining the blue room for Rosh Hashana projects .
We painted the honey jars with different color paint and we made challah dough from scratch.  We baked it in round pans and are excited to dip our challah in sweet honey for a sweet new year! 

Thank you for trusting us to guide your little ones.
Shabbat Shalom! Shana Tova!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Dear parents!
Summer is quickly approaching!  Our friends took advantage of the nice weather this week and had so much fun having water play and getting messy with the mud pit.  Next week we will continue having water play.  

As we wrap up our school year, next week will be a short but busy week as we practice for graduation performances, and complete our projects. Thursday morning you are invited to attend our graduation celebration and our school year will come to a close with 12:30 dismissal. 

To our dear parents, thank you so much for a great year!

Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

Friday, May 10, 2019

 Dear parents!
We would like to thank you for your thoughtful kindness during Teacher Appreciation week. Working with your children is engaging and joyful for us and we thank you for all of your support!

As Mother's Day approaches we have been reading books about Mommies. Mommy and Me, Are You My Mother  and Teeny Weeny Looks for His Mommy are favorites. Mommy and Me has sparked some discussion about what we like to do with our mommies. 
We've also enjoyed working on a special project for our own mothers this week .

Dear parents , we are noticing an exciting social/emotional development in several of our friends. Maybe you have noticed it too...they are starting to use the word "No". Why do I use the word exciting to describe this development when it's often viewed as the onset of the terrible two's? Well, I find it exciting because it's normal and expected in typically developing children and it is an important developmental milestone. It signifies their development of sense of self, separate from the important adults in their lives and also a burgeoning development of independence and autonomy. Of course we want our children to be respectful, but does that mean they should always be compliant? When I child says "No" what they are really telling us is,"please give me more choices, I'm ready". The ability to make choices is an important executive function we want to help them grow and develop. It also shows they trust the adults in their lives enough to test this out. Sometimes this resistance can be a sign they want your attention and a better sense of connection. So how do we best navigate this?

Connect with them. Slow down for even just 10-15 minutes a day and meet them in their world, at their pace doing something they enjoy. Let them lead the interaction and give them your full and undivided attention. Then, when that "No." inevitably comes, you can take a deep breath and be thankful they trust you because you've built that connection strong.

 We can also help support them by avoiding yes or no questions and giving them lots of choices throughout the day at school and at home. At this age and stage, giving two acceptable options is developmentally appropriate and shouldn't overwhelm our friends. Let them choose between two outfits, two breakfast options, two lunch options...whenever you can, let them choose. If mornings are hectic, let them choose the night before. By taking that extra time to allow them to choose insignificant things now, you are giving them much needed practice for the more important decisions they must make as they grow older.

For tasks you know they do not like try to give a small choice about when it gets done to avoid the dreaded power struggle. For example, "Friends, do you want to clean up for snack now or in 5 minutes?" They may still complain or start to refuse and you can remind them, "Oh you chose 4 minutes and it's been 5 minutes so now it's time to clean up." Or set a timer and take yourself out of the equation, "The timer says it's time to clean up!"

 There will be times where there really is no choice and we need to set firm limits for safety or sanity's sake. Say for instance a child is throwing food, "The food stays on the table or in your mouth. If you throw food, you are showing us you are all done." The natural consequence follows that their food goes away if they choose to throw it again and we might say something like, "All done. We can try again the next time we eat."

For a playful approach, you can also try making "No" into a game. When one of our friends was saying "No" about everything, I started asking them really crazy questions like, "Do you want bugs/worms/rocks for snack?" to which they squealed and exclaimed, "No!" This gave them a chance to tell me no repeatedly and in a clearly teasing way much to their delight. Then I threw in questions like, "Do you want cookies for snack?" just to see if they would catch themselves automatically saying "No!" This friend caught it and then laughed and yelled, "Cookies!"

"No" is a very powerful word and so is the way in which we respond to it. Thanks for reading and for being such kind and supportive parents. 

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

Friday, May 3, 2019

Dear peach room Parents. 

Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed some time off with your families! Our peaches were so happy to be back together and we started off our week with lots of very sweet hugs hello! 

After being away for just over a week, our friends eased back into their school routine smoothly. We kept our focus on interactions and gentle reminders to help support them through this. Although we did not work on any big projects, there were many opportunities for exploration and experimentation through both fine and gross motor provocations. 

Our friends explored a gross motor provocation with bubble wrap using their hands, feet, shopping carts and rolling pins. They walked, ran, jumped, squatted and sat on the bubble wrap. The shopping carts were most effective at giving that satisfying snap, crackle and pop they loved so much! 

Fine motor explorations continued with loose parts play. It is fascinating to see what pieces capture their attention and how they find new ways to create with different combinations of objects .we also did so much drawing and coloring with markers ,paint dots on a peace of paper and on a board . 
Its so amazing how each friend using their imagination and saying what they drawing  
Yehonathan said :morah look i draw alef beis  
Madison said :its a house ! 
Heiley said :morah can u help me make a heart . 
Shai :morah look i have lots of circles. 
Ella :i like coloring with brown marker. 
Angie :i have lots of lines. 
Daniel: i have lots of lines to . 
When our friends scribble or draw  
They are developing imagination and creativity. 
It helps To hold a paintbrush or pencil 
They can names of colors and how to make new colors 
They distinguish shapes, and purposely create shapes. 
They express their feelings & ideas.  

Shabbot shalom from the peach room Morahs!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Dear Peach Room Parents!

As we continued preparation for Pesach, there was much to explore and investigate this week. Our focus was on the Seder meal and the meaning of each element included in this special meal. Morah Ora created individual Seder plates for each child to match like a puzzle.

Our friends also made grape juice using mallets and smashed the grapes as we talked about how we drink four cups of juice/wine with the Seder. The mallets were loud when they accidentally struck the table rather than the grapes. Some friends liked this sensation and continued doing it purposely, while others covered their ears and preferred using their fingers to pinch. Then they literally got to enjoy the fruits of their labor and drank the grape juice!

Our friends also explored the taste of the bitter maror as well as celery dipped in salt water and Morah Ora explained that this was meant to remind us of the tears and hardships experienced by the Jewish people while in Egypt and as they made their way across the desert. Their reactions were so funny: some friends made funny faces as they bit into the maror while others really liked the taste of salt. Celery was a bit more familiar to most of our friends and some enjoyed the taste.

We continued to taste test Matzah this week as well and we all said it felt crunchy. By the end of the week, when we hid the Afikoman, and they took turns finding it, they were all exclaiming, “Matzah!”

Next week we are going to wrap up our Pesach unit with last Hagaddah steps.
Enjoy your child's Haggadah book!

Shabbat shalom and Chag Pesach Sameach

We will see you all after Pesach break!

Morah Ora and Morah Goldie!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Dear parents! 

We continued our exploration of Pesach with another action packed week. Our friends are creating their own pillows cases for Pesach. 
Our friends dipped their hands in purple and red paint colors and stamped their hands on the pillow case and created a beautiful pillow case with their personal hand prints.

Set the Seder plate 
Our friends were invited to take turns setting the Seder plate .This was a great activity to introduce some new Pesach vocabulary.  Morah Ora started off by pointing to each food on the seder plate and told us what each food was and the meaning behind special foods.  Zeroa or shankbone symbolizes the sacrifice of the lamb the night before the Exodus.  Beitzah or egg represents a pre-holiday offering.  Maror or bitter herbs reminds us to the bitterness the Jewish people were faced with in Egypt.  Charoset symbolizes the mortar and brick made by the Jewish people.  Karpas are the vegetables dipped in salt water reminding us of the salty tears cried while in Egypt.  After we went over these new vocabulary words our friends were invited to match each item to the  Seder plate.
Friends are continuing to explore the concept of constructing pyramids in two areas of our room: our sensory table with wet sand and trays/containers for brick making and also we use brown paint with sponges to create block patterns on the piece of paper in the shape of pyramids .
Please check our bulletin board to see how creative our friends can be!

Next week we are going to start exploring the concepts of a hagadah and  make our own to bring home so at the seder night our friends could follow the steps along with their families :) 

Shabbat Shalom Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

Friday, March 29, 2019

Dear Peach Room Parents

This week we began exploring the holiday of Pesach .We worked on cleaning our room and talked about the importance of cleaning away all of the Chametz or bread and breadcrumbs and other foods with yeast in preparation for Pesach. Our friends swept floors and scrubbed tables and washed all the dishes in the classroom with sponges.

This week we were busy with building pyramids with different materials. In the sensory bin we mixed sand and water and added ice cube trays to make bricks to build with.
At the table top we had paper shaped in pyramids and we use marble pieces and magna tiles to build too.  Our friends chose to build the pyramids in different directions like stacking marble pieces or sorting the magna tiles by colors.

We talked about how Pharaoh promised the Jews presents if they came to Egypt to help him build the pyramids. But he was mean and didn’t keep his promise. So they worked so hard and were not treated well. Hashem punished Pharoah and the people of Egypt by sending plagues- frogs, bugs, sicknesses and the brave Moshe stood up to Pharaoh and said, “Let my people go!” The Jewish people were finally able to leave Egypt! While they traveled through the desert they did not have time to use yeast and wait for their bread to rise and so Matzah was created from flour and water and it baked on their backs as they were traveling out of Egypt.

In dramatic play area we opened a Matzah bakery and all of our friends have been enjoying taking turns making matzah in our special matzah oven. Our friends have enjoyed listening to music and reading books about the story of Pesach this week as well.

We cant wait till next week to explore more about Pesach, the Morahs prepared so many different activities for our friends to do!

Shabbat shalom Morah Ora & Morah Goldie.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Dear Parents,
In the Peach Room we completed our second week of our Purim theme. Monday and Tuesday we decorated Purim crowns with stickers and pom poms.    Everyone enjoyed dipping pom poms in the glue!
On Wednesday  and Thursday we decorated masks with fathers and with some sequins .

In our sensory table this week we had loose parts and gift bags .From the past week we have been talking about the four mitzvos of Purim.  Last week we gave extra Tzedakah, this week we have been talking about the mitzvah of Shalach Manos, giving a gift basket to a friend.  Our friends filled the bags with different kinds and shapes of loose parts ,and they choose to who they want to give it. 

We learned a new song about Purim:

When we hear the name of Esther we clap our hands.
When we hear the name of Mordechai we say Hooray!!
 When we hear the name of king Achashverosh we turn around.
When we hear the name of Vashti we wiggle.
When we hear the name of Haman we stomp our feet.

Our friend love this song and movements.

Shabbat shalom and Chag Purim Sameach!
Morah Ora and Morah Goldie.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Dear parents!

What a fun week we had!

We began our exploration of Purim this week. We began by introducing the main characters of the Megillah: King Achashverosh, Queen Vashti, Haman, Queen Esther and Mordechai through finger puppets, dancing and storybooks. 

In dramatic play, Morah Ora created a castle and our friends painted walls of the castle in different colors .  We have added more dress up clothes. They have all had great fun playing dress up and looking at themselves in the mirror .

Sensory table.
Our friends explored rice, lentils and beans in our sensory table this week. Using funnels and bottles, they each created a gragger or noisemaker. They added some liquid water colors to the rice and some play rocks.We practiced shaking our graggers to make noise whenever they hear the name Haman.

During davening, we give tzedakah, but this week we talked about how this is one of the four mitzvos of Purim. We touched on the other three mitzvos: hearing the Megillah, sending food gifts to friends and hosting a festive meal. We will continue to explore more about Purim in the next couple of weeks.

Shabbot shalom!
Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

Friday, March 1, 2019

Dear peach room parents!

This week we learned all about dental health! The magic number was two. Our friends learned that they can take care of their teeth by brushing them with toothpaste twice a day- once in the morning and once at night for two minutes. That the dentist is a doctor that helps to keep their mouth and teeth healthy and they should visit the dentist twice a year for a cleaning and a check up.

Some of the fun projects we did this week were brushing laminated paper "teeth" to clean off the dry erase marks or "sugar bugs" using real toothpaste and toothbrushes. Our peaches loved the dental set with clay and play dough! Then they brushed their own teeth with brand new tooth brushes and took turns using a mirror. We counted our teeth in the mirror too. As we worked we talked about brushing on the top and bottom, in their cheeks, and all the way in the back and even their tongue. And finally, they enjoyed painting with toothbrushes. This was a quick exploration of important self care (although they probably all still require your help or supervision to brush teeth)!  We sang songs and read books all about brushing teeth and going to the dentist.

Shabbat shalom 
Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Dear parents,

The Peach room has been all about babies this week! We filled our sensory tub with a bubble bath and gave our babies baths. We have tried our hand at changing our baby's diapers, changing their clothes and we've bundled them up and put them to bed. All of this play with our babies has sparked other ideas for pretend play and we've taken our babies shopping, taken photos of our babies and put our babies to nap. Some of our friends have even engaged in role playing ("I'm the mommy and you be the baby")  We also learned the baby song, about putting baby to bed and then taking care of him or her when she wakes up. We take turns deciding what the baby needs to go back to sleep (a new diaper, a kiss, a bottle...).

 At the circle time each friend brought their baby to the carpet circle and our friends were so excited to show them how we sing songs and dance .

When We play with dolls or stuffed animals, We are learning...
-To use our imaginations
-To treat others with tender, loving care
-To imitate the parenting behaviors we see in our life 
-Interpersonal skills 

Reminder, there is *no* school Friday or Monday due to Presidents’ Day and a teacher inservice! See you on Tuesday!

Shabbat shalom!
Morah Ora & Morah Goldie 

Friday, February 8, 2019

Dear Parents

Our friends have been busy making final preparations for our annual CJP Family Shabbos Dinner, that will be tonight at 5:30.  They worked so hard on completing their Shabbos Box projects which will be on display tonight and ready to be sent home with them on Monday. As Morahs, we provided the provocations and materials for each of these projects, but they are truly the product of your child's creativity, preferences and work. Each one turned out so unique and beautiful, we are proud of their hard work and hope you will be too!

Our three big projects this week were creating candle holders, Kiddush cups, and a shabbos box.

Shabbos boxOur friends painted Shabbat boxes and as they were working we noticed their preferences for both specific tools and color. Shai preferred green to all the other colors and covered her entire box with paint. Angie liked brown and only painted a small part of her box before deciding to paint more. Hailey enjoyed experimenting with the texture of the paint on her skin and how the colors changed when mixed. Yehonathan chose his favorite color, blue, and used the paint roller to apply the paint onto his box. We had such fun with all the different colored paint!

Kiddush cupsOur friends worked on creating their Kiddush cups using a lot of glitter and modge podge. This was very sticky work so thank you for your patience if your child brought some sparkles home with them on their clothes or in their hair. Friends could choose between blue glitter or purple. Some used their hands to spread it onto the stem while others decided to tip them upside down and watch gravity take its course as the glitter combination dripped. 

Shabbos candle holder
In the sensory table they scooped colored sand in to small glass jars. Again, they selected the colors, order and how much sand they wanted to use as they layered it into their jars. We asked them to tell us which colors they wanted and which they were using as we worked. Then they helped squeeze glue onto the top and stick the foil funnel into the sand and glue, completing their candle holders! While this project was related to Shabbos, our big idea, we also worked on hand-eye coordination and learning colors. They turned out beautifully and we can't wait to use them at home!
Challah and counting 
This week we worked on using their pincer grasp. Pincer grasp is an important fine motor skill used for day to day things like gripping a pencil or using silverware. We started out by using hand over hand to help them place the cranberries or raisins on the "challah" loaves using fingers, then worked up to using plastic tweezers. By the end of the week it was exciting to see most of them had mastered some level of this skill. We extended this provocation by helping them count the raisins both in English and Hebrew. Then they were rewarded by eating them- yum!

Chicken soupOn Thursday morning we made delicious chicken soup as our contribution to the Shabbos Dinner. Cooking in the classroom provides so many opportunities for turn taking, measuring, stirring, it is the ultimate science experiment! They enjoy group cooking experiences. We hope those of you who are coming tonight enjoy the finished product!

Shabbot shalom!
Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

Friday, February 1, 2019

 Dear parents, we would like to welcome our new friend Shai to our peach room! We are so happy and excited to have her with us!

   This week in the Peach Room our friends began to explore and learn concepts related to Shabbat. Morah Ora explained that after Hashem created our beautiful world he needed to rest on the seventh day. Shabbat is an important time to rest, pray, and spend time with our families at the end of each week. We don't go to school or work! We might bathe, brush our hair, and wear our nice Shabbat clothes. A big meal is prepared and we light the candles. After lighting the candles we say a blessing called "Kiddush" over the grape juice and Challah bread. As a class we also read several storybooks including "1,2,3 Shabbat", "Shalom Shabbat - a book for Havdalah", and "My First Shabbat Board Book."

   Dramatic play    Our friends worked together to set up for Shabbat. After they were done we all took turns pretending to light the Shabbat candles, pour the grape juice in cups, and "cutting" the Challah. On Shabbat we eat with our friends and family as we enjoy each others company.

   Group Project   The big project of the week was decorating a challah cover and board. For the challah cover we used a fabric with fabric markers. Our friends decorated them in different ways, each way unique. For the challah board we used mosaic peaches and gems. Our friends dipped them in the glue and carefully glued them in the board in different patterns. 

   Table top   This week at the the table, we had play-dough. We have been practicing rolling and braiding challah. Our friends love to make their own challah and bring them home once they’re baked!

   Sensory table   At the sensory table we had beans, tops, spoon/scoops, and little wooden vegetables. Our friends pretend to make their own chicken soup. Madison likes broccoli in her soup, but with no carrots. Ella wants only chicken in her soup. Hailey and Shai prefer only beans in their soup. Angie likes tomato’s and carrots. Yehonathan liked to put everything in his soup. 

   Next week we are going to make real chicken soup to share over our CJP Shabbat dinner. We hope you will all enjoy!

   This week we added a new song to our Shabbat songs - “Days of the week”. 

"Yom Rishon, Avoda
Yom Sheini, Avoda
Yom Shlishi, Avoda avoda
Yom Riviee, Avoda
Yom Chamishi, Avoda
Yom Shishi, Avoda Avoda
Yom Shabbat Menucha
Yom Shabbat Menucha
Yom Shabbat Menucha Menucha

On Sunday we work work work
On Monday we work work work
On Tuesday we work work work, work work work
On Wednesday we work work work
On Thursday we work work work
On Friday we work work work, work work work
On Shabbat we all rest 
On Shabbat we all rest
On Shabbat we all rest, rest rest rest."

Next week we are gonna to make a shabbat box and candle holder!

   Shabbat shalom - Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

Friday, January 25, 2019

Dear Parents,
On Monday we had Grandparents day and the grand opening of our beautiful play ground! Thank you for joining us!

This week out friends had a lot of fun exploring our bodies. Our morah’s traced our bodies and our friends colored them.

At the table we had a mirror and rocks with pictures on them of different facial features. Our friends looked into the mirror at their faces and pointed at it. They then tried to make a face from the pictures on the rocks.

Block area - This week we brought different sized blocks to the table. Our friends built tall towers with them and then pushed them over with happy faces! They did this over and over again. Then we decided to see how tall our friends are by building the tower up to their height.
Hailey is 10 blocks high.
Madison is 8 blocks high.
Ella is 7 blocks high.
Angie is 13 blocks high.
Yehonathan is 12 blocks high.

Sensory table - At the sensory table we had sponges and farm animals. Our friends enjoyed washing the animals and used their gentle hands while scrubbing them. We had a conversation about how important it is to use our gentle hands, not only with our friends but with other things around us as well.

Next week we will start to learn all about shabbat!

Shabbat shalom! - Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

Friday, January 18, 2019

Dear parents
We have had a busy week despite some of our friends being out sick.  We miss them and hope they feel better soon so they come back to play and learn.

This week we continued learning about Tu B Shevat, the New Year for the trees .

We began this week from reading a books to our friends about trees and birds .
We learn that birds need trees for food and shelters, but trees need birds too.  We decided to make some birds feeders to make a gift for our birds .

Our friends took pine cones and dipped them in to sunflower butter and rolled them in to bird seeds and with morahs help we will hang them on the trees by our playground.
Hailey and Yehonathan asked the morahs for more pine cones to make more food to the birds and Yehonathan gave one to our classroom bird and says "thats for you bird!".

Sensory table.
This week our friends been planting seeds(cilantro) in small pots for our grandparends or special friends to take home as a gift at grandparents day on monday jan 21 at 10 oclock .
Madison enjoyed scooping the soil in to the pot and plant seeds.

Block center.

At the block center we added some pictures of fruits and vegetables .
Angie and Hailey where matching and naming each fruit and vegetable and stacking blocks, Yehonathan enthusiastically said Amen!

Table top
Clay, playdoh and branches were set out for our friends to sculpt their own tree. Playing and molding clay can be extremely therapeutic for a child who needs to physically express their emotions. In addition, their fingers are working to strengthen their fine motor skills and dexterity while their brain is working on their imagination and creativity.

Peach room Morahs and friends would like to Say Happy Birthday to Hailey! In honor of her birthday her family donated abc & 123 magnets with magnets board .Thank you so much!

Shabbat shalom,
Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

Friday, January 11, 2019

  Dear parents, Welcome back!

   Our Peach room friends were so happy to be reunited with all their friends after a week away! A highlight of this week was that our friends began exploring Tu B'shvat (the new year for the trees) We started our week playing with the sensory table which we loved! In the table we had soil and pretend fruits and vegetables. Our friends used their sorting skills to sort the fruits from the vegetables. We spoke about which fruits grow from the ground, and then practiced saying the Brochos!

   We say the bracha Ha'adama for the fruits and vegetables that grow from the ground.
   We say the bracha Pri haetz for the fruits that grow on the trees.
   What type of seeds do you see?

   Our friends used a magnifying glass to discover the seeds inside of some fruits and vegetables. We discovered that some fruits have many small seeds inside, and some are big. Then we tasted some fruits! Hailey and Yehonthan really liked the taste of the green and red apples. Ella and Angie liked the orange. Madison tried some kiwi and she didn't like it as much.

   For our group project we colored on a big piece of paper with markers and crayons. We are going to make a beautiful flowers, stems, and leaves from it. We displayed it on our bulletin board. Next week we are going to continue exploring Tu B'shvat by planting seeds in a pot, as well as making bird feeders for our birds.

   Shabbat Shalom! - Morah Ora and Morah Goldie