Friday, September 27, 2019

Dear parents!

This week we opened our peach room and we are so happy to have a new beginning in the peach room before Rosh Hashana!

Our friends were so excited to explore all of the centers in the classroom: the sensory bin, kitchen, library, slide and much more.
Learning where all of the materials go, where each center is, and making sure everyone feels loved and safe are our main goals for the next couple of weeks.

This week we have been joining the blue room for Rosh Hashana projects .
We painted the honey jars with different color paint and we made challah dough from scratch.  We baked it in round pans and are excited to dip our challah in sweet honey for a sweet new year! 

Thank you for trusting us to guide your little ones.
Shabbat Shalom! Shana Tova!

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