Friday, January 11, 2019

  Dear parents, Welcome back!

   Our Peach room friends were so happy to be reunited with all their friends after a week away! A highlight of this week was that our friends began exploring Tu B'shvat (the new year for the trees) We started our week playing with the sensory table which we loved! In the table we had soil and pretend fruits and vegetables. Our friends used their sorting skills to sort the fruits from the vegetables. We spoke about which fruits grow from the ground, and then practiced saying the Brochos!

   We say the bracha Ha'adama for the fruits and vegetables that grow from the ground.
   We say the bracha Pri haetz for the fruits that grow on the trees.
   What type of seeds do you see?

   Our friends used a magnifying glass to discover the seeds inside of some fruits and vegetables. We discovered that some fruits have many small seeds inside, and some are big. Then we tasted some fruits! Hailey and Yehonthan really liked the taste of the green and red apples. Ella and Angie liked the orange. Madison tried some kiwi and she didn't like it as much.

   For our group project we colored on a big piece of paper with markers and crayons. We are going to make a beautiful flowers, stems, and leaves from it. We displayed it on our bulletin board. Next week we are going to continue exploring Tu B'shvat by planting seeds in a pot, as well as making bird feeders for our birds.

   Shabbat Shalom! - Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

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