Friday, May 3, 2019

Dear peach room Parents. 

Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed some time off with your families! Our peaches were so happy to be back together and we started off our week with lots of very sweet hugs hello! 

After being away for just over a week, our friends eased back into their school routine smoothly. We kept our focus on interactions and gentle reminders to help support them through this. Although we did not work on any big projects, there were many opportunities for exploration and experimentation through both fine and gross motor provocations. 

Our friends explored a gross motor provocation with bubble wrap using their hands, feet, shopping carts and rolling pins. They walked, ran, jumped, squatted and sat on the bubble wrap. The shopping carts were most effective at giving that satisfying snap, crackle and pop they loved so much! 

Fine motor explorations continued with loose parts play. It is fascinating to see what pieces capture their attention and how they find new ways to create with different combinations of objects .we also did so much drawing and coloring with markers ,paint dots on a peace of paper and on a board . 
Its so amazing how each friend using their imagination and saying what they drawing  
Yehonathan said :morah look i draw alef beis  
Madison said :its a house ! 
Heiley said :morah can u help me make a heart . 
Shai :morah look i have lots of circles. 
Ella :i like coloring with brown marker. 
Angie :i have lots of lines. 
Daniel: i have lots of lines to . 
When our friends scribble or draw  
They are developing imagination and creativity. 
It helps To hold a paintbrush or pencil 
They can names of colors and how to make new colors 
They distinguish shapes, and purposely create shapes. 
They express their feelings & ideas.  

Shabbot shalom from the peach room Morahs!

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