Friday, December 1, 2017

Introduction to Chanukah

All of our friends were happy to be back this week after our Thanksgiving break. They were excited to see each other, with big hugs and even some kisses. Some of our older friends helped our younger friends remember our routines this week. Angie is with us for lunch and nap everyday and has the best smile to greet her friends when she arrives. They are always happy to see her!

This week we began to introduce Chanukah through storybooks. The words and concepts we are working on with the children are Chanukah, Menorah and Dreidel. Guy said, "Menorah" and Caleb said, "Chanukah" very clearly. We are noticing many exciting language developments in all of the children.

Morah Ora created a Menorah on our floor using tape. The children will be using this "walk the line" - a fun gross motor activity targeting body awareness, motor planning, balance, coordination and listening skills. We will also use our tape Menorah to mark each day of Chanukah by adding tape candles and flames.

We worked on creating our first Chanukah decorations. You can see them displayed over our doorway as you enter the classroom. Shyli loved using the paint dotters on her project. Leah and Ronan both enjoyed using the markers as they continue to develop their grasp. Guy used so many stickers on his project as he enjoyed peeling and placing them in layers.

Looking forward to next week when we will begin making our own Menorahs!

Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Ora and Morah Lindsey

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