Friday, November 17, 2017

Thanksgiving Preparations

We had a very busy week in the peach room! We continued to practice being thankful by using our mitzvah hands, feet and mouths. We said thank you to Hashem for everything around us. Guy said, "Toda!" or "thank you!" in Hebrew. Caleb said, "Thank you Mommy, thank you Daddy, thank you Zarina!". Shyli and Angie both blew kisses when we talked about being thankful for our families. Ronan is adjusting beautifully and he is such a welcome addition to the class. He is becoming more comfortable each day he spends with us and we are so happy to have him!

We took a nature walk to enjoy all that Hashem has created.  The children collected  leaves and flowers. We even collected some sand and small rocks. The children worked hard creating special Thanksgiving cards for loved ones and they used the items they collected on our nature walk to create a collage for our families.

We continued pumpkin exploration. We have been using pumpkins to hammer and to practice pushing and pulling golf tees, so we had already discovered they have quite a tough shell. Morah Ora cut one of the pumpkins open for the children to explore what was inside. We scooped out the seeds and enjoyed squishing and touching them.

We used our sense of smell by creating a scent collage using spices. We talked about how we use spices to cook with and the children really enjoyed this activity. Guy liked all of the spices. Leah preferred the cumin. Caleb really liked the garlic and Shyli loved the paprika (both the smell and the color). Our room smelled so good!

We hope you will all join us for the Thanksgiving Lunch next Wednesday beginning at 11:30am. As always, thank you for entrusting your children to us. We are so grateful for them!

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