Friday, December 22, 2017

Helpfulness and Chanukah

Hello Peach Room Families!

This week we focused on recognizing and fostering helpfulness in our young friends. They worked on helping each other as well as helping their Morahs.

Leah helped her friends get their lunchboxes and water bottles from the cupboard. Guy helped clean up and keep our classroom in order. Caleb helped by feeding our pet tortoises and being a good listener. Ronan helped his friends and Morahs with making latkes. Angie helped push our water cart in after playing outside and staying quiet during rest time so that her friends could sleep even though she was done sleeping. Shyli helped finish "lighting" our tape menorah for our last day/night of Chanukah! Morahs helped by recognizing and acknowledging helping words and actions and encourage friends hopefully repeat them.

We love reading their Mitzvah notes from home each morning during davening. We celebrate these accomplishments with them, no matter how big or small. Specific praise from loved ones is so important to our children's developing confidence and positive self-awareness. They really enjoy the ritual of placing their mitzvah note in the mitzvah box and having everyone sing to them. It really sets the tone for the day to find something positive they have done (yes, even and especially on those rough mornings where nothing seemed to go right). It also helps them generalize desired behaviors between home and school. How does your child help you at home? Try to observe your child and "catch them in the act" of doing positive, praise-worthy things. Tell them how much you appreciate them!

Our big project this week as we finished learning and celebrating about Chanukah, was making latkes. The children washed and peeled potatoes in our sensory table. They took turns helping to grate the potatoes and add the other ingredients. They also took turns mixing and scooping them onto a baking sheet. They were amazing little cooks, we were so impressed! Then we all enjoyed tasting our hard work! Do you enjoy preparing food at home with your children? Working in the kitchen with your together is a fun way to build all sorts of skills and confidence. There is even a tangible and hopefully delicious outcome. When children are involved in preparing the food they eat, it can encourage healthy habits because they are invested in the process.  If you have some extra time and an extra dose of patience, it can be a truly rewarding experience. We encourage you to try it over the break. They may surprise you!

We wish you all a safe and happy Winter Break. Thank you for sharing your children with us!

Morah Ora and Morah Lindsey

Peach Room Wishlist:
-paper plates
-bottled water for the children
-plastic spoons
-plastic grocery bags (for dirty diapers and clothing)
-Clorox Wipes

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