Friday, March 3, 2017

Purim project

In the Peach Room we completed our second week of our Purim theme. Monday and Tuesday we decorated Purim crowns with stickers and pom poms. Mina and Scarlett liked putting stickers on their crowns and everyone enjoyed dipping pom poms in the glue!

On Tuesday we read the Purim story. Each child chose a mask of one of the characters to wear as we read. Yochai chose to be Mordechai, Geffen chose King Achashvarosh, Zoe was Queen Vashti, Mina Queen Esther, and Scarlett chose Haman. We also said goodbye to Morah Pearly as she left for New York. We sent her off with a beautiful goodbye book that we made for her.

The weather on Wednesday was sunny and bright and we went outdoors for sports with Coach Picachu. We began learning to use wiffle balls and lacrosse scoops and we practiced throwing our ball up to the sky and scooping it up. We also painted Purim masks and decorated them with sequins.

On Thursday and Friday we learned a new song about Purim. We stomped our feet on a mat of bubble wrap when we sang the name of Haman and we clapped our hands when we sang Achashvarosh. When we sang Mordechai we turned around and shouted "Hooray!". Some of our friends were excited about the new sensory experience of bubble wrap under their feet and others were not so sure!  While Geffen didn't care for the texture, Scarlett said, "I popped the bubbles with my feet and fingers."  Zoe said "I popped them too with my feet!" Mina liked to run on the bubbles.

This was Scarlett's first week of school and she is fitting in as if she has been with us all year! We are so happy to have her with us. This was a full and fun week and we are so looking forward to the next one. Shabbot Shalom.  - The Peach Room

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