Friday, March 17, 2017

Exploring paint

This week in the Peach Room we've done a lot of sensory painting exploration. Monday morning we covered the table with bubble wrap. Our friends used toy cars to apply paint to the bubble wrap to make a bumpy road. Geffen, Scarlett and Caleb particularly enjoyed this new way to use familiar objects. We also tried stamping this week. We used soft foam blocks dipped in paint to create shapes on paper. Another day, we used cars again and experimented with rolling them through shaving cream -a much thicker texture than paint. And finally we "painted" with water. Using brushes we covered sheets of paper and watched it dry.

Our friends continue to enjoy jumping in the ball pit, throwing balls and naming the colors of the balls. They have also been very drawn to the puzzles we have set out this week.

It is heating up outside so we've taken the opportunity to play indoors in the bounce house. Some friends jumped right in while other took some time to get comfortable with it. But everyone left with a smile on their face! With the heat we're doing more and more water play outdoors. There is a lot of filling and pouring with various containers going on and this is generally a calming and very focused activity. We do however get wet! So please send extra clothes as we will be doing lots more of this play in the weeks to come.

We're looking forward to another wonderful week!


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