Friday, March 10, 2017

Purim is here!

This week in the Peach Room we began work on our fundraising Purim project. We put our bare feet in paint and walked across a wood plank making footprints as we pretended to cross a bridge. Mina, Scarlett and Zoe were brave as they balanced across the plank. Yochai felt unsure as he crossed so Zoe held his hand to help him cross. The next day our friends chose to make hand prints on the plank rather than footprints.

Wednesday we did sports outdoors with Coach Picachu. The children enjoyed bunny jumping and jumped across a series of squares on the lawn. They also had a turn to jump back and forth over a jump rope. Outdoors we also davened with our friends in the green room under the covered area.

We have been talking about Purim all week and have listened over and over to a Purim story with a predictable pattern and rhythm. The children love hearing the rhythmic repetitive language. One of the words we've been hearing a lot is hamentashen and on Thursday we joined the Green Room to make them! The children took turns putting ingredients in the bowl and stirring. When the dough was mixed we rolled it out and cut circles to fold into hamentashen. We baked them and they came out beautifully!

Our Purim celebration was so festive and we all had a great time!

Happy Purim to you all!

Morah Ora and Morah Sydney

P.S. Sorry there are no pictures this week, the pictures are all on the CJP family face book group.

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