Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving Week

     This week we did so many arts & crafts for Thanksgiving and we had so much fun! We did a science experiment where we put salt and glue together on a canvas and then squirted water paint on it and watched it spread. Zoe especially had a fun time with this arts and crafts. She did not want to put he water colors down. :) We then made beautiful pictures out of nature, and also painted over bubble wrap, then rubbed it on paper, which gave the paper a cool design, then we stuck photos of ourselves onto it, and turned it into a little book. All of our awesome arts and crafts were featured at our amazing Thanksgiving Family Lunch on  Wednesday.

      This week in the sensory bin we had Tzeddaka (money for charity) again because our friends loved it so much last week. They share the Tzeddaka boxes (charity box) so well with their friends and we all gave Tzeddaka like the big girls and boys that we are!

     The weather was so beautiful this week that we spent a lot of time outside in the backyard. Every class brings out another activity for our friends to play with and this week the Peach Room brought out a table and squirted shaving cream all of over. Geffen and Mina had so much squishing and playing with it. :)

     And then of course there was our Thanksgiving Family Lunch on Wednesday. Our friends made the delicious lemonade! We all had fun squirting and squeezing the lemons to make fresh squeezed lemonade! Yochai couldn't get enough of our squeezer. He would squeeze the lemon like a pro.

     Looking forward to seeing our friends next week.

     Hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving, and Shabbat Shalom!

                Morah Ora
                Morah Pearly


Friday, November 18, 2016

Thanksgiving Prep

     This week in the peach room was amazing.  With Thanksgiving coming up we learned all about being appreciative and thankful to everybody. During davening we even sing a song about how thankful we are to Hashem (Gd) for everything he gives us. "Thank  you Hashem for giving me my mummy. Thank you Hashem for giving me my tatty. Thank you Hashem for all my friends. Thank you, Thank  you Hashem!" Mina especially loves singing the songs and always excitedly points to her family photo on our family tree and excitedly says "Mummy! Tatty!" :)

     To prepare ourselves for Thanksgiving we also made a beautiful picture out of nature that will be framed for our friends' families to display in their houses!
This week in the Torah portion of Vayaira, we learned all about Abraham and how Angels were sent from Gd to visit him because he was sick and to tell Abraham and Sara that they will have a son, Isaac. We learned that when we have a friend who isn't feeling well we should go and call them, or visit them, to see how they are feeling right away. We called both Gefen and Mina to wish them a Refuah Shelaimah!

     This week in the sensory bin we had a lot of fun learning all about sharing. Our friends shared their sponges while cleaning Pumpkins, and they also put a lot of tzedaka (charity) into pushkas (charity boxes) to help all the people who do not have so much money.

     On Friday we broke out the Moon bounce castle and all had so much fun! Our friends jumped and bounced and slid down the slide, and had such a fun time! Zoe loved it so much she was laughing and smiling the whole time! :)

     And of course, the week would not be complete without dance class! Yochai loved dancing to the music and waving his pompom around. He danced when the music was on, and froze when the music turned off. :D

     Looking forward to all of our friends coming back next week and having even more fun learning and growing!

         Morah Ora
         Morah Pearly!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Transportation Week

    Hello Moms & Dads!

    This week in the Peach Room we learned all about traffic lights and transportation. Our friends had a  lot of fun with all of our awesome games. We took toy cars and drove them through paint, we did arts in crafts with small colored paper,  and we played with toy cars on our city carpet. Our friends learned the colors yellow, red, and green, and what we do when we see those colors.

    The weather this week was beautiful so we spent a lot of time outside where our friends had fun climbing, playing with bikes and pushing them down the hill, and playing with pots and pans :) Morah Ora also broke out the bubbles which all of our friends loved. Zoe would chase them till they were all popped!

    This week during dance our friends has a blast. Geffen loved crawling through the make shift doggy house and Yochai loved rolling on the mat! We all had fun dancing to the music, where Mina kept making her request for "Hashem Melech". :D They will showcase their talent at our Thanksgiving Feast!

    Our friends continue to impress us with how much they are learning every day. Each day is a new adventure with our little friends, that we cannot wait to experience.

    Shabbat Shalom everybody! Till next week! :)

Friday, November 4, 2016

Noahs Ark & Animal Exploration

   Hello Mom's and Dads,

   This week was so much fun, jam packed with so many amazing and fun activities. On Monday, Morah Ora made a make-shift Ark out of cardboard boxes, to teach us all about Parsha's Noach, and our friends loved going and sitting inside.

 Every morning Geffen would run to get the little step stools, put it inside the Ark, and sit on it and play. We also read a lot of animal books to help our friends better understand all the animals that were on the Ark with Noach. Then on Wednesday and Thursday we decorated our Ark :) we put our hands inside paint and we finger painted all around the Ark. We cut out pictures of animals, explained what each animals was to our friends, and stuck them on the Ark as well.

   We are so happy to say that now that all the holidays are over we resumed dance class and our friends, of course, love it! This week was Zoe's first week at dance class. Zoe loved shaking the glittery pompoms that Morah Lisa (the dance instructor) gave out.
   On Friday we had fun playing with our friends, Yochai loved dot painting, and davening outside with all of our friends from CJP! It was so beautiful hearing all of our friends singing together the davening prayers :)

 The highligh of our week was Tuesday: ZOO DAY!! We had so much fun at the zoo, it was hard to contain all of our excitement. There were baby chicks, chickens, roosters, an alpaca, goats, kids (baby goats), and most excitingly, a pony! At first our friends  were a little hesitant and wary of the animals but  they  all quickly warmed up. Mina was very brave and rode the pony all around the backyard! It was so exciting to watch.

   Our friends are growing up and developing so quickly its amazing. When we start singing the clean up song our friends right away start cleaning up the toys they were playing with. When we start to make train and "Choo Choo" noises, they know to quickly go to the library because it is davening time and the good morning train is coming. They know that when it is snack or lunch time we first wash our hands and when we are done eating, we clean up our food before leaving the table. And the moment the lights get dimmed, our friends right away go straight to their cots and get settled in for nap time. All of these things our friends do all on their own with minimal help from their Morah's. We couldn't be prouder of our friends! :)

   Shabbat Shalom everybody!

               <3  Morah Ora and Morah Pearly!