Friday, December 10, 2021

Winter is Fun!

Dear Families,

This week we explored winter in our classroom.
 It was so cold that it was snowing!

Our friends had their hats, scarves, and mittens on.
We practiced how to put our mittens on and off and match them by colors.

It’s Snowing!
Our friends played and touched different textures of snow (pretend snow).
Around the classroom we had snow made from pillow stuffing. Our friends  had fun running around the classroom and throwing snow up and watching it fall to the floor.
When we were done playing we took shovels and shoveled all the pretend snow into the bins.

In the sensory table we had crushed ice as a snow.
Our friends put their gloves on and were ready to build a snow man.
Some friends tasted the ice and said, "It's ice cream!"
The vocabulary words we used this week were:
Fluffy, cold, snow, and winter.

Art Exploration: Can You Make a Snowflake?
We used q-tips to create our own snowflake shapes. Liran, Leeann and Alma were focusing while they were using the q-tips. They didn’t even get their hands messy with paint! Aria, Asher, Audrey and Leif chose to use their hands to create hand print snowflakes.

Next week we will explore more about winter and have more frosty fun! 

Shabbat Shalom 
Morah Ora & Morah Rivky

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