Friday, December 17, 2021

Winter and Arctic Animals

Dear Families,

This week we continued exploring concepts of winter.

Learning Through Books
We read more books about winter and snowflakes. Our favorite book was Three Little Kittens by Paul Galdone. Not only did the morahs read this book to our friends,  we heard the audio version as well. Our friends were so focused and quite while listening the story.
Early Literacy Activity
Our friends were greeted with a set table of gloves and mittens alongside blue and white paints.They eagerly tried on the gloves working hard to fit their tiny fingers into them.
Then, they slowly dipped their gloves in the paint and stamped it on the paper. The slow stamping turned into fast moving hands on the paper as they mixed the colors and felt the cold paint seep through the glove creating a wonderful sensory exploration.

Arctic Animals Exploration
In the sensory bin this week we had arctic animals with snow, which we made from baking soda mixed with hair conditioner and ice. It was freezing cold!
We spoke about animals that live in the cold weather.
These animals stay warm because they have fur, and as humans we need hats, scarves and mittens to be warm when we go outside.
When we came back to school the next day, we opened our sensory table and we realized that our ice and snow had melted down. "Ohhhh noooo," we said. We took out a bin and started to rescue the animals from the water. Our friends had so much fun playing with the animals and rescuing them. 

Shabbat Shalom 
Morah Ora & Morah Rivky
We wish you a restful winter break, and we will see you soon! 


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