Friday, December 4, 2020

Meaningful project

Dear parents,

I’m so sorry I wasn’t in school these past couple of days, due to my kids not feeling well. BH They are feeling much better now.
Thank you for understanding!

Let me tell you a little about our gratitude project that we were working on in the past couple of weeks. Like I said in my previous newsletter, we were using different techniques to paint rocks.

This project is very meaningful to us because our friends did them by themselves with joy, happiness and a smile on their faces.
Each rock looks different just like we do.

 I (Morah Ora) always take pictures of our friends when they do meaningful activities
like sharing toys, giving each other hugs, enjoying food or playing with friend.

This time we printed them out and we will stick them on the rocks to remind us of kindness.
Our projects are getting delayed and we will be finishing them on Monday. They will be sent home after that.

Dear parents, I'm so grateful to be a part of the CJP family and to be a Morah to your little one .

Happy Thanksgiving and Shabbat Shalom !!
Morah Ora & Mora Chaya.

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