Friday, November 20, 2020


Hello! Dear Parents,

We would like to welcome Ariel, a new friend that joined our classroom. We are so happy to have her join the CJP family!

Our friends have been practicing using kindness with our friends and Morahs. We talked about the mitzvos that our friends did at home and practiced using mitzvah hands, mitzvah feet, and our mitzvah mouth at school. 

Gratitude Project

This week in class, we are using different techniques of painting for our gratitude rocks.

Gratitude Project/Rocks:

On Monday: Our friends used sponge paint brushes to paint their own rocks.

On Tuesday: Our friends were invited to choose different colors of paint and make some drops in the box. Then they shake, shake, and shake the box till we see beautiful results!

On Wednesday: We squeezed paint and glitter inside the ziplock bags and put some rocks in them. We rolled, pinched, and squeezed the bag to create unique designs on our rocks! Some friends observed that it was a little bumpy inside!
Table Top Activity

We had play dough and cranberries on the table. Our friends used their grasping motor skills by picking cranberries with their fingers and sticking them inside the play dough. Then we all had a turn counting how many cranberries we stuck in.We counted in English and Hebrew and our friends repeated after Morah.

Ariel had six cranberries .

Ari had two cranberries.

Mika four cranberries.

Avigail, Oz, and Daria had seven cranberries.

It was hard for our friends to not taste them but they did a good job when Morah explained to them that today we are only using cranberries for playing and counting! 
Next week will be short week. We will continue to focus on gratitude and kindness in our classroom and we will focus on these concepts throughout this school year.
Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Ora and Morah Chaya  

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