Friday, August 17, 2018

This first week of school has been a great opportunity for all the teachers and students to start building a foundation of trust to have a successful school year. Exploring new environments and establishing new routines can be scary and take some getting used to. Entering this new journey with love and patience for all is key to success. 

Our friends where so excited to explore all of the centers in the classroom: the sensory bin, kitchen, library, slide and much more. 
Learning where all of the materials go and where each center is and making sure everyone feels loved and safe are our main goals for the next couple of weeks. 
Our friends were also introduced to our classroom pets, Mr fishy-fish and lemon-bird.  Our friends get so excited when they hear the lemon-bird chirp and they repeat after him:) 

From this week, the awesome Rabbi Tzvi has been coming into everybody's classrooms and blowing the shofar so that we can participate in the Mitzvah of hearing the shofar each morning in the month of Elul. We all love to hear the sounds that come from the Shofar. 

Thank you for trusting us to guide your little ones. 
Shabbat Shalom! 
Morah Ora. 

Please see the private CJP Family Facebook Group for more pictures of our week!

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