Friday, May 18, 2018

Water water everywhere!

Greetings Peach Room Parents!

This week was filled with a ton of sensory exploration! We were able to enjoy some early morning water table play on the patio just outside our room. This play was a little quieter and offered some peaceful green time where our friends were able to go between our indoor and outdoor environment at their own choosing. Gavin liked watering the plants and bushes. Madison poured water from one container to another and loved going from indoors to outdoors all on her own. Shyli explored the most with using water and a paintbrush on the rocks, sidewalk and door. In our larger outdoor environment our friends continued enjoying the sprinkler. Some of our older friends from the purple room noticed the water runoff down the hill and engineered a path for the water to flow down to our sand pit. This quickly became a mud pit and was by far the most rich sensory experience that all of our friends got to enjoy. Rivkale, Gavin and Shyli were fully engaged and ready to splash, wade and wallow. Maddie observed this play and by Tuesday she was sticking her feet in. This is one of the things I love most about our school- this was child lead and such rich play/work for every age! Thank you for providing the swimsuits and towels and patience with muddy stuff coming home! Your children had a blast and experiences that they wouldn’t be getting in many other places. 

We have been observing our butterflies as they grew from caterpillars to chrysalis to butterflies and the sole survivor is ready to take flight. Our friends have diligently gathered food and helped us care for our butterfly. We have been reading and talking about metamorphosis with them as well. 

Morah Sydney was with us for a portion of the week as Morah Ora and Leah were home not feeling well. Refuah Shleima Leah and Ella! We hope you’ll be back with us next week!

As we wrap up our school year, next week will be a short but busy week as we practice for graduation performances, complete our projects and release our butterflies! On Monday school will be closed in observance of Shavuos. Thursday morning you are invited to attend our graduation celebration and our school year will come to a close with 12:30 dismissal. 

Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Ora and Morah Lindsey

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