Friday, February 9, 2018

"There's Only One You"

Greetings Peach Room Parents,

This week we did a brief exploration of rocks incorporating the storybook, "There's Only One You" by Linda Kranz. The book is about parents sharing their wisdom with a child on how to make the world a better place. The rock fish characters in this gorgeously illustrated book share words to comfort and guide their fish as he swims through life. We read this book several times.

Our friends worked on collecting rocks from our outdoor environment to bring into our indoor classroom. They compared sizes and shapes and textures and colors of the rocks. Leah and Shyli even compared how the rocks tasted. They worked on painting the rocks over several days and then we took their creations back outside to add to the CJP rock garden alongside the other classroom's painted rocks. We now have a colorful and collaborative sea of rock fish. Each rock exemplifying each child's own unique contribution.

Other exciting news in our outdoor environment, the new sand play area and mud kitchen are now open! Our peach room friends have particularly enjoyed going out a bit early to have some time with these new features before their older friends join them. They love it!

Have a restful Shabbos,
Morah Ora and Morah Lindsey

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