Friday, February 23, 2018

Parts and Purim

Greetings Peach Room Parents!

Our friends were all so happy to see each other after the long weekend apart. We also welcomed a new friend to our class this week. Welcome Lincoln, we are so happy to have you join us! We are continuing our exploration of Purim this week. Our friends are now much more familiar with the story and Guy even said, "Haman, Booo!" when we were reading one of our stories this week.

In art we have been continuing work and adding the finishing touches on our class contribution to the Purim Art Auction. We have created a large tile trivet and a set of four unique tile coasters. Our friends did all of the coloring using sharpies on tiles and today they added the alcohol solution using eye droppers for some excellent fine motor practice. The result is a tie-dyed effect. This project turned out gorgeous! Please consider bidding on our project or one of the many other beautiful works from CJP classrooms to support Chabad of the East Valley. Our friends also created Purim crowns this week using stickers and crayons, so we will be ready for next week's celebrations!

In our sensory table this week we have been washing dishes. This is a favorite activity and when we added it to the small sink in dramatic play, there was not enough space for all of our friends who wanted to participate. So we moved it to the sensory table in response to their enthusiasm.

Our friends have been showing us just how creative and industrious they can be this week with some loose parts play in our construction area. Loose parts are reusable, often re-purposed materials that can be taken apart and put back together in many ways without any specific set of instructions. Loose parts offer limitless possibilities for experimentation, exploration, construction and play. These passive objects invite children to actively imagine what to do with them if given the time and opportunity to explore. In our room this week's parts included pine cones of varying sizes and types, pool noodles sliced in half, sticks, cans, bottles and small blocks. Loose parts play is open ended and child led with constant supervision as we will often include metal and glass items as well as objects of all sizes. We encourage you to take a peek in your junk drawers and recycling bins to see what collection of "treasures"you can discover for your child to explore at home. Start small with maybe 3-5 objects. As long as you are available to supervise and explore with your child, there is really not much that's off limits. We set the limit of "Not for your mouth." to avoid choking hazards. Take pictures or record their work and see what beautiful stuff can be created from your junk!

Next week is Purim Spirit Week:
Monday- Pajama Day
Tuesday- Backwards Day
Wednesday- Crazy Hair Day
Thursday- Mismatched Day
Friday- Grand Costume Masquerade (please send your child to school in their costume with a change of clothes for later) there will be a clown performing, a bouncy house and some treats to share.

Wishing you a restful Shabbos,
Morah Ora and Morah Lindsey

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