Friday, September 15, 2017

Rosh Hashana Apple Tasting, Cards, and More!

Everyday our morning begins with manipulative activities for our friends to practice their fine motor skills as well as hand eye coordination.
Leah and Guy like to drop big plastic buttons into containers and listen to the sounds of the buttons hitting the container.
Shyli likes to practice her skills on the sensory boxes, she likes to open and close them.
Caleb really likes to play with puzzles and he is ready to use his skills for more complex puzzles.
Angie enjoys dropping balls in our box with holes.

                                          ROSH HASHANA is around the corner!
This week we used our sense of taste by trying a sweet and sour apple.
The next day we dipped the apples into honey and we learned a song.

"Apples, apples
honey, honey
it's so yummy
in my tummy"

This week we also made Shana Tova cards for our loving grandparents.  We had so much fun using our apple stamps that we made from real apples to decorate the cards.

 A big thanks to Rabbi Tzvi for coming and blowing the shofar every day.  We love to hear the sounds of the shofar and we cant wait until Rosh Hashana is finally here!

Next week we will continue to explore Rosh Hashana and bake honey challah for our friends to enjoy over Rosh Hashana.

 I would like to wish everyone a Happy Sweet New Year.
Shana Tova!
Morah Ora



PS Please find lots more pictures from this week on our CJP Family Facebook Group!

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