Friday, September 8, 2017

Exploring Rosh Hashana

This week we started exploring Rosh Hashana.We began by reading "Rosh Hashana is coming "
and we took turns blowing the Shofar and singing a song about it!

The words of the song are to the tune of 'The Wheels on the Bus':
"The Shofar in the Shul goes toot-toot-toot
toot-toot-toot   toot-toot-toot
The Shofar in the Shul goes toot-toot-toot
on Rosh Hashana morning."

We also created decorations for our classroom to bring in the Rosh Hashana spirit.
We used paint stamps to decorate our apple tree, Shyli enjoyed stamping paint and choosing all the colors that we had on the table.  Morah Orah turn our apple tree into sticky wall for us to stick apples on to.  Caleb was focused on sticking apples on to the tree and counting them.

Another activity we did was matching apple cards.  Leah loved to find the apples that looked the same and she would play this game for a while .

We also used markers to color Rosh Hashana symbols.  While our friends colored them Morah Ora explain why we dip apples in the honey and why we listen to the sound of the shofar.

In our sensory table this week we enjoyed washing apples for Rosh Hashana and practicing the bracha Ha-etz before we eat the apples.

We are so excited to welcome our new friend Guy to our classroom! Our friend Angie from the infant room had a birthday this week so she will be joining our class starting Monday! We are so happy to have you in our class.

We are also excited that Morah Courtney has joined our classroom in the mornings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays!

Looking forward to exploring more about Rosh Hashana next week!

Morah Ora


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