Friday, September 23, 2016

The Shofar in the Shul

     Hi All!

     Another week has gone by and us friends in the Peach Room had a blast. With Rosh Hashana coming closer and closer we learned even more about the Holiday and what we do on this special day. We continued to hear Rabbi Tzvi blow the shofar amazingly for us and we sing "The Shofar In The Shul Goes Too Too Too!" Mina especially loves singing it.

     More things we learned about Rosh Hashana are that we dip apples in honey, we have a fish head on the table, and we do Tashlich; we throw away anything not nice things we might have done to the fish and say sorry for any bad things we did. Zoe really loved seeing the fish and feeding it. We also made beautiful Leshana Tova (Happy New Year) cards for our Bubby's & Zaidy's, Grandma's & Grandpa's, and Sabba's & Savta's.

     And of course, it wouldn't be a proper week of Preschool without dance class. Mina & Yochai loved crawling through the make shift doggy house to Morah on the other end! Then, after dance class we went back to class and our Morah's measured us to see how tall we have grown.  

     This week we had a lot of fun doing a variety of different fun activities. We had water day this week & it was so much fun! We loved to play with the water in the sensory table & getting sprayed by the hose. We also got a whole bunch of new tree stumps that Geffen loves to climb and play with, and we have a lot of fun with them! Also, last but not least, this week our Morah's took out the moon bounce and we had so much fun jumping & playing on it.

     On Friday we baked Challah for Shabbos, and we cannot wait to eat it tonight!

     Shabbat Shalom!

                  <3 Morah Orah & Morah Pearly


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