Friday, September 16, 2016

Rosh Hashana is coming!

             Hey Moms and Dads =)

             Today we finished our first full week in the Peach Room and we had so much fun. This week we also had a new friend join our class, Zoe Luedy. With Rosh Hashana fast approaching we did many fun activities to better prepare ourselves for the holiday thanks to Morah Ora's unique and creative ideas. We washed apples, stamp painted with apples, and colored on stencils of apples. We also made lunch place mats of our hand prints and planted some beans for our beautiful growing garden which Zoe had a lot of fun helping Morah Ora water!

             As you have probably seen on facebook, this week we did a variety of activities to work on our gross motor skills. On Wednesday we had dance class which was a lot of fun! Yochai loved to volunteer to roll on the mat and to crawl through the make shift doggy house. Mina danced so nicely to the music and paused when the Morah turned off the music and said freeze, then continued dancing and laughing when the music turned back on.

            This week we had a lot of different items in the sensory table to help us prepare for Rosh Hashana. We had shofers, apples, round challah's, and more. Gefen specially loved the table, and got so excited when he saw something new placed in it. He would pick it up, show it to one of his Morahs, and we would show him what it was and he would play with it for the next hour excitedly.

            This week, the awesome Rabbi Tzvi has been coming into everybody's classrooms and blown the shofer so that we can participate in the Mitzvah of hearing the Shofer each morning in the month of Elul, leading up to Rosh Hashana. We all love to hear the sounds that come from the Shofer, but Zoe particularly found it fascinating and stared and pointed at Rabbi Tzvi the whole time.

            Nap time is going very smoothly now that we are in our 4th week of preschool. After the children clean up their lunch, they look for which bed has their blanket and quietly sit on their bed, patiently waiting for a Morah to come over and cover them for their nap. We couldn't be prouder of our friends!

            And of course, at the end of each day, our friends love to get the brooms and mops and help their Morah's clean the classroom so that it stays nice, neat, and clean!

            We cannot wait till next week where we will get to learn even more about Rosh Hashana and to make more arts and crafts to hang on our bulletin board to show our moms and dads!

                                                                Shabbat Shalom!
                                                     <3 Morah Ora & Morah Pearly!


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