Friday, March 4, 2022

Chicken soup!

Dear Peach Families.

This week we wrapped up our Shabbos unit by making traditional chicken soup.

We started our week with talking about vegetables and the vitamins they contain. We spoke about how our bodies need vegetables to grow.  Asher said, "Grow high!"

Thank you for bringing vegetables for our soup! Our friends were so excited to see the vegetable that they brought from home to share with us.

Our friends watched how Morah peeled all the vegetables then cut them and washed them. Before we put them in the pot we tasted them.
Leeann loved celery and had two big pieces.
Alma tried the celery and decided that it was not her taste.
Audrey really liked zucchini and said “It's cucumber."
Morah explained that it looks like a cucumber, it has same shape and color, but it tastes different.
The rest of our friends enjoyed carrots, and we could hear a loud crunching sounds in the classroom.
Liran said, "I have carrot."
Leif closed his eyes tightly every time he felt the crunch!
After we tasted, all of our friends took turns putting vegetables in the pot and stirring it up. Etai wanted to have lots of turns to stir! He enjoyed stirring very much. Aria noticed the vegetables going around and around. She pointed and squealed so that her friends would look too. Kai said, "Stir, stir."

The song we learned this week:

The Chicken Soup Song

To the tune of “London Bridge”

Put some chicken in the pot

Stir it up, nice and hot

Get it ready for Shabbat, for Shabbat

Put some…(carrots, onions, celery…)

The next day we ate our soup for lunch. Everyone asked for more soup, it was delicious!

 Over the Next couple of weeks we will be exploring the holiday of Purim: a holiday of so much joy and fun.

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Ora & Morah Rivky

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